Organic Neem Acne Pack - NativeNeem

Organic Neem Acne Pack

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Native Neem Organic Neem Acne Pack 

Ideal for acne-prone skin. Neem helps to soothe irritation and inflammation.

About Neem:

The medicinal properties of Neem have been part of Indian history since time immemorial. The earliest Sanskrit medical writings refer to the benefits of Neem’s fruits, seeds, oil, leaves, roots and bark; and all of these are used in the Indian Ayurvedic and Unani systems of medicine. In Ayurvedic literature Neem is described in the following manner: ‘Neem bark is cool, bitter, astringent, acrid and cooling. It is useful to alleviate tiredness, cough, fever, loss of appetite and worm infestation. It heals wounds and vitiated conditions of kapha, also vomiting, skin diseases, excessive thirst, and diabetes. Neem leaves are also reported to be beneficial for eye disorders and insect poisons. It treats vatic disorder and is anti-leprotic. 


  • Native Neem Organic Pure Neem Oil(100ml) contains an aspirin-like compound that helps with acne conditions by ridding the skin of acne-causing bacteria. It also helps reduce redness and inflammation. The high fatty-acid content in Neem Oil is said to prevent and help treat acne scars and it is non-comedogenic.

  • It also helps against pimples and removes bacteria from the surface of the skin that can cause more breakouts.

  • Native Neem Organic Neem Leaf powder(100g) is an excellent exfoliant when used as a facial mask, as it helps to draw out impurities and tighten pores.


Benefits & Usage


Neem Oil is ideal for acne-prone skin because it can help to soothe irritation and inflammation, clear up pimples and remove bacteria from the surface of the skin that can cause more breakouts. Neem Oil contains an aspirin-like compound that helps with acne conditions by ridding the skin of acne-causing bacteria. It also helps reduce redness and inflammation. The high fatty-acid content in Neem Oil is said to prevent and treat scars from acne and is non-comedogenic. Its leaves are also an excellent exfoliant that can be used in a facial mask to pull out impurities and tighten pores.


  •  Neem Soap: Cleanse the area

  • Neem Oil: Apply on the affected area

  • Neem Leaf Powder: Create a paste to apply on the affected area twice a week.


Cleanse with Neem Soap and follow with an application of Neem oil on affected areas. Also, use Neem Leaf Powder paste on affected area two times per week for best results in clearing acne-prone skin.

Additionally, by supporting a healthy liver and a healthy immune system, Native Neem Organic Neem Leaf Capsules can be a great way to treat acne. 

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